
Today is the first day I have genuinely felt motivated to be back in the gym since the surgery. There was no pumping myself out to pretend to be excited to do things that I will never see in competition. Today was different. It could be just coming back from the electric atmosphere put down by some awesome dudes and dudettes throwing down at Scott Paltos’ Pump Games, it could be the fact I am now working with a new coach, Jason Leydon, and today was the first day I got to do the program, or the fact I am coming off a deload week. All good things.

I am now 9 weeks out post-op today. If you have had labrum surgery or will be having surgery soon feel free to use these workouts while you are rehabbing. Pick and choose or do whatever you want.

Here it is:


Crossover Symmetry – Activation
Dynamic Warm-Up,

5 Back Squats
5 Good Mornings
5 Lunges
5 Step-Ups
2x w/ 45# (Want to get used to using the bar again with light weight in warm-ups)

A. Cambered bar squat; @ 42X1 tempo
5 x 5, rest 3 minutes

B. Reverse hyper;
5 x 8-10, rest 60 seconds
15 sec. AD sprint @ max effort
rest 3 minutes x 12 sets
rest 6 minutes btw. sets 6&7


A. 140kg (308#) x5; This is my first time doing tempo work in about 2 years. Some reps may not be exact, but I was working to keep the integrity of the prescription. Videos of sets below (if anyone knows how to combine this and add titles, I’d be grateful.):

B. 95kg (~210#); Figured I would go with roughly 50% of my 1RM HBBS. It worked pretty well, maybe I could have went a little heavier. I used a dynamic start to get the weight moving.


It is hard to quantitatively or qualitatively describe this portion (perhaps by calories next time I do this). AirDyning isn’t my thing with short limbs, all I know is that I wanted to throw up and after my 8th set intensity really started to drop off.

Restwise Score: 90
Night time Mobility: Mashing QL, Erectors and TFL

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