

A1. Scap Pull-ups + Strict Pull-ups x (5+5) x 3 sets
A2. Lateral Handstand Walk (Wall Facing) x 5 Steps/Side x 3 sets
B1. Legless Rope Climb x 1 rep x 3 sets
B2. Handstand Push-ups (3 Narrow, 3 Medium, 3 Wide) x 3 sets

A. Upper Body Sled Drag x 9:00 Continous

B. 5 Strict press + 3 push press with a 5 second lower into each push press. The goal in slowing the lower down is to give you the chance to think about pulling your ribs down and keeping your pelvis level. At speed old habits tend to take over even when it is light. Your job in slowing it down is to focus on control in position. Hold the top of each lift for a full second x 5 sets; anything more than the barbell here is going to count as a set.
75#, 95#, 115#, 125#, 135# – No pain with extending from my hip!

C. 2 Strict muscle ups x EMOM 5:00
I added some tempo and negatives into this! Love the strict muscle up!

D. Seated hang dumbbell muscle snatch. Lighter bells 15-20# max reps in 30 seconds 5x full recovery rest between each
This was definitely awkward, however I felt that it was useful. 

E. floor dumbbell roll backs 4 x 8 heavy; 40# DB’s x 8 reps x 4 sets

5:00 Assault Bike @ 90% AnT
Rest as needed (Back to AeT) x 3 sets
Heart Rate @ 145-150 BPM, pretty easy, could talk if I wanted to. Got back to AeT within 30 seconds (AeT = 141 BPM).

Rest 3:00

3:00 Assaualt Bike @ 100-105% of AnT
Rest as needed (Back to AeT) x 3 sets
Heart Rate @ 161-169 BPM, also not terrible (AnT = 161 BPM). 


A. Sled walk + bar overhead locked out; 3 x 60m trip
Used a 95# Barbell and 25# Plate on Sled, this was done inside, so friction is a little bit tough, would rather focus on not being over extended. 

B. Snatch grip pull off blocks set at the same spot as last time. 5×5
95# x 5 reps x 3 sets; I skipped the last two sets. I got a sharp pain in the center of my spine. It’s not bad, it’s just a quick pinch on the spine. Dr. Jason Gridley said, it’s much better than what I was originally feeling. 

C. Deficit lunge 4 x 8/leg  – no load first; if all is well then you can try using a light load of bar in front rack.
115# x 8 reps/side x 4 sets, back foot was on a 45# plate. 

D. Kneeling abs against a band. Accumulate 100; Check, no pain or pull, last time there was one. Trying to do more of a back extension, rather then going into flexion from the hip – if that makes sense. 
E. Reverse hypers 3 x 30; I used 70#, do to higher rep scheme. 

2 Rounds:
400m Run
4 Rounds “Cindy”
11:31, I changed this up a bit because it was my first day running, I’m definitely not ready to run yet.