
A. Sled walk + bar overhead locked out; 3 x 60m trip
Used a 95# Barbell and 25# Plate on Sled, this was done inside, so friction is a little bit tough, would rather focus on not being over extended. 

B. Snatch grip pull off blocks set at the same spot as last time. 5×5
95# x 5 reps x 3 sets; I skipped the last two sets. I got a sharp pain in the center of my spine. It’s not bad, it’s just a quick pinch on the spine. Dr. Jason Gridley said, it’s much better than what I was originally feeling. 

C. Deficit lunge 4 x 8/leg  – no load first; if all is well then you can try using a light load of bar in front rack.
115# x 8 reps/side x 4 sets, back foot was on a 45# plate. 

D. Kneeling abs against a band. Accumulate 100; Check, no pain or pull, last time there was one. Trying to do more of a back extension, rather then going into flexion from the hip – if that makes sense. 
E. Reverse hypers 3 x 30; I used 70#, do to higher rep scheme. 

2 Rounds:
400m Run
4 Rounds “Cindy”
11:31, I changed this up a bit because it was my first day running, I’m definitely not ready to run yet. 


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